How to add a tsm sniper string
How to add a tsm sniper string

how to add a tsm sniper string

Having said that, we believe in making use of the data we do have and the next best thing is your own data. We would certainly love to do that but there’s just not enough data to provide something meaningful. Personal Sale RateĪ common request we receive is to expand the Region Sale Rate values to specific Realms.

how to add a tsm sniper string

However, if you have ever purchased the item then AvgBuy will return the average of all purchases. If you currently have none of a particular item, then SmartAvgBuy will be invalid for that item. In TSM 4.10 this will become its own Price Source in the form of SmartAvgBuy, independent of AvgBuy. Now you can buy things for less than your Minimum Auctioning price, or post things for more than your Maximum Purchase price! Smart Average Buy ChangesĪ lot of you make use of the ‘Smart Average Buy’ setting, which sets your Average Buy price according to the number of the item you currently hold. If you’ve assigned an Auctioning Operation to a group, the Minimum, Normal, and Maximum price can be referenced as auctioningopmin, auctioningopnorm, and auctioningopmax respectively.Īdditionally, if your Sniper Operation differs in Maximum Purchase price you can reference this with sniperopmax.

how to add a tsm sniper string

In the example, your Maximum Purchase price from a Shopping Operation can be referenced as shoppingopmax. We thought it would be beneficial to leverage those prices in other Operations so in TSM 4.10 there are new Operation-based Price Sources available. When you’re setting up Auctioning Operations for example, you might have already set up a preferred maximum purchase price in a Shopping Operation or vice versa. Today we will introduce the new Price Sources and Value Sources, and new places you can use them in 4.10 Operation-Based Price Sources

How to add a tsm sniper string series#

This is the first in a series of TSM 4.10 feature highlight blogs.

How to add a tsm sniper string